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MMM【Meta】 NO.2087
$ 0.0000014
+4.55 % %



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  • MMM币介绍
What is the project about? Meta Merge is an AIGC-driven collect-to-earn game, where users can own pets with unique behaviors and personalities through collecting, incubating, upgrading, and combining. What makes your project unique? Gameplay is more diverse, including AIGC, development, PVE/PVP, social interaction, trading, land, exploration, and more. History of your project. The web2 version of the game has successfully entered the North American market, ranking in the top five on the Apple Store, with over 300,000 daily active users What’s next for your project? Game testing and listing on appstore. What can your token be used for? As the native platform currency, regular $MMM consumption and usage are built into the gameplay. and various aspects of the metaverse ecosystem. To continue gaming, players must spend $MMM in different scenarios to gain access to in-depth content, products and services, creating a healthy circulating economy for $MMM. Amongst other utilities, $MMM would be spent to: - Purchase pet box - Mint NFT pets, merge pets - Rise in rank - Unlock special features - Open mystery box
What is the project about? Meta Merge is an AIGC-driven collect-to-earn game, where users can own pets with unique behaviors and personalities through collecting, incubating, upgrading, and combining. What makes your project unique? Gameplay is more diverse, including AIGC, development, PVE/PVP, social interaction, trading, land, exploration, and more. History of your project. The web2 version of the game has successfully entered the North American market, ranking in the top five on the Apple Store, with over 300,000 daily active users What’s next for your project? Game testing and listing on appstore. What can your token be used for? As the native platform currency, regular $MMM consumption and usage are built into the gameplay. and various aspects of the metaverse ecosystem. To continue gaming, players must spend $MMM in different scenarios to gain access to in-depth content, products and services, creating a healthy circulating economy for $MMM. Amongst other utilities, $MMM would be spent to: - Purchase pet box - Mint NFT pets, merge pets - Rise in rank - Unlock special features - Open mystery box
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2024-08-23 23:09



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